What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now. Buddha

Initiation of Light 2 days. 3,000 years of wisdom.

For thousands of years, this sacred ceremony has created quantum shifts in people’s lives so their superpowers would begin unfolding in their lives - with tangible and real results.

Ancient keys of power, once hidden in the western esoteric tradition and are now shared and handed down to you for your personal growth, transformation - making it easier to flow more joy and abundance in our lives - to light up our world. Initiation is one of the most sacred tools this lineage offers - and a huge game changer! Many well known people have been initiated and used these tools to change the face of human history; Tesla, Shakespeare, Galileo and DaVinci to name a few.

"Is initiation right for me?"

You’ve tried many different paths seeking answers to “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” Maybe you also tried therapy, drugs, books, religion, diet, or other things while seeking answers and trying to fit in, to find “you”. You’ve always felt different and suspected there was more to this world than what you were told by the authority figures in your life. Your tactics might have worked a little, or maybe not at all, but one thing’s for sure: you know you’re ready to transform all the way to your core.

Now - particularly now - more people are questioning the status quo and waking up to the idea that there IS "something more" to life than trying to fit into the mold that someone else made for us. And you’re tired of the breadcrumbs the few hand out or living your life by other people's limiting rules. You know their rules don’t work for the life you want.

The truth is, we're here to enjoy a fruitful life, to know and merge with our highest selves, and to improve our world with our unique talents, to share the abundant bounty that this life has to offer.

The western esoteric initiatory tradition has been hidden until more recently - a need for these un-precented times. We all have raw talent, but true mastery comes from activating our dormant potential and then learning how to use it.

Everyone has the potential to be great.

Initiation and spiritual training provide the framework for becoming such a master. It encourages our creative abilities, improves our mind, and creates more positive moods. It also helps us blow through our issues, which means we can overcome the old stuff that's held us back for years. How many years have you spent feeling chained to your bad habits, felt like an imposter or been afraid to chase your dream?

What we cover in the Initiation of Light:

For 2 full days, we’ll spend our time in a sacred temple where you will receive 10 keys for personal manifestation, holy rituals to keep your energy high throughout the day and every day, the history of mystery schools on this planet, the structure of Heaven and the nature of God, the energy systems of the human body, and much, much more. Then you will be initiated in an ancient and holy ceremony into the lineage of King Solomon and the Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light.

Our time together is intense, powerful and profound.

Benefits of Initiation and training include:

  1. Ability to hold 10x the energy that you currently hold.

  2. Access to the same tools that initiates have been using to create huge success for 3,000 years.

  3. Greater awareness and intuition, for more insight and control over your life.

  4. Tired of relying on other people for advice? Initiation grants you a backstage pass to your own personal guidance.

  5. Greater ease at handling the challenges life throws at us.

  6. Introduction and access to all advanced training.

  7. Learn about the nature of the universe and why you were born.

  8. Gain spiritual authority from the light to work with angels and other divine beings.

  9. Receive a personal healing to change your energy flow from negative (the natural state we’re born into) to positive and begin flowing with the Will of the Universe and God! [This is why so many of us struggle in life. With initiation, this negative flow gets rerouted and you get a whole new positive baseline for your life! Initiation means stepping forward to claim your power for yourself and begin a path to conscious creation in your life].

  10. Begin working with a spiritual teacher who is invested in your spiritual growth and success.

For the true seeker, advanced spiritual training continues past initiation with an active local community, monthly online classes, an opportunity to apprentice with a spiritual teacher and further metaphysical training and initiations. The well goes deep and you are invited to take a quantum leap into your highest potential.

Contact Sue with any questions - there is never any obligation as this needs to be a good fit for you and for your potential teacher. Or apply for Initiation with your name and date of birth via email: [email protected].

Three steps to personal transformation:

1. Higher Self Activation and energy balancing session: King Solomon once offered this to the select few who would begin their spiritual training with him. They would later serve in the temple and the community. The community became prosperous due to their work. Their activation opened dormant qualities within them and they became the healers, teachers, warriors, oracles, shaman and more, that would serve in the world, lighting the way for each of us to become the highest version of ourselves.

When coaches, therapists, doctors, healers, marketing guru’s and teachers can bring their gifts to the world, it’s a beautiful thing. Like a smile, the Light within us is contagious. And as the saying goes, as above, so below. As within, so without. As as we transform, we bring that magick and more of us to the world.

This hour session begins with balancing your energy bodies; your magnetic, elemental and etheric energies, your aura, chakras, checking for and removing any negative skull cap, offering a holy ritual - the Sword of Archangel Michael, and the 16 Lotus Healing. Once your energies are balanced and harmonic, we begin the holy task of activating and “waking up” your physical and spiritual gifts.

You will receive the 2 alchemical elixirs of Progression Support to continue your continued healing, including environmental and genetic trauma.

Investment: $195

2. Soul Purpose Activation: The next step is waking up your soul purpose. Imagine your soul as the driver in your life. Like a GPS allowing you to go directly to your destination vs taking the scenic route again. People who have received this activation often say that opportunity seems to find them.

Your soul’s purpose it to become alive and fully present in this lifetime - something also known as a living ascended master. This is the beginning of that journey, the bullet train to achieve that holy grail. Would living your soul purpose and sharing that with others change your world?

You CAN become a beacon of hope and light in this world for yourself and others. Session is approximately 45 minutes.

Investment: $195

3. Initiation of Light: 2 days - details above. Investment: $800

Total Investment when purchased separately: $1190

Special package price $990 [save $200 when purchased together].

“After the Initiation of Light, I really started to establish who I was and who I wanted to be. I really began to be sure of what I wanted and was drawn more to things I deserved, some illusions started falling away. I am very happy with the tools given to me to always improve and be better in some way. I am still in no way perfect but I most definitely am growing every day and I am able to really see this and be aware of my development. I feel even more sure of myself now and am continually excited to see where my life is going and who I will continue to become.” – Sara A., New Jersey

"The Initiation of Light class and initiation feels like a homecoming. Each stage of this workshop has opened me to such tremendous insights to questions I've been asking myself for years. These tools were exactly what I needed to move to the next step in my personal growth and healing process. Before, I was at a standstill in my life. Now I have many tools to help me. Many doors have opened for me. This class helps you take charge of your life and become a leader. Everybody should do this. It should be in schools." - Jane A., New Jersey

For more information or to apply:

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